> circular playspaces

Circular Playspaces 

In 2050 the Dutch Government wants to realise al circular economy. But what does that mean for children’s play? We think that play is the example of what we can do circular in public space. We can do with less and fully circular play equipment and all the other space is just public space but with a clever design or green play area’s or play with waist from other economies.

We are OBB and we are play specialist. We support local government with design, policy, tenders and everything else that is needed to create a child friendly public space. From 1995 we fight for children’s rights against cars, cheap maintenance and grown up wishes. The knowledge we develop with our clients we share with our clients. We train play advisors, give inspiration through our website en we organise all kinds of workshops.

Our goal for 2019 and 2020 is to get on speaking terms and action terms about circular play including the play equipment. This gives a lot of opportunities for a diverse playscape.

More materials and info to download in english versions:

De Spikkel Design- and participationtool
Make space for children!


OBB spelmakers + ruimtedenkers
Teugseweg 5, 7418 AM Deventer

+31 (0)570 616005          I  info@obb-ingenieurs.nl

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